Refer A Friend
Sharing is Caring
Have you tried to get that family member, friend or colleague to join Rotary, only to find out that they just don't fit your club culture… but you know that if you could only get them to join a club they'd be a great Rotarian. Have you taken guests to your meetings only to face the dreaded "I don't think so" or worse yet got them to join your club only to see them slowly move off into the sunset?
It turns out you are not alone: the vast majority of our members who leave Rotary leave within the first three years. Hundreds of members join and leave our district annually.
The goal of "Sharing is Caring" is to refocus membership away from "my club" to "our Rotary." Rotary needs Rotarians who are committed to service, our foundation and creating a better world for our families. The competition is stiff: there are many organizations looking for our members' time and resources. Work with us to find your friend, co-worker or family member a home in Rotary… a club that works for them.
Fill out our Membership Referral Form document and return it to us, or do it on our district website today. Make sure you let your friend know that someone will be inviting them to come to one of our meetings at the time and location that works for them.