We had an incredible meeting on Friday, with attendance skyrocketing from 4 to 28 Rotarians! We are thrilled to announce that we will meet every month on the last Friday at 5 PM via Zoom.

Many of you are actively involved in projects and initiatives that promote mental health and well-being. It was truly inspiring to meet each other, share ideas, and work towards our goal of "Creating Hope in the World."

You are receiving this email because you have stepped up to be part of this essential mental health platform. Rest assured, we promise not to flood your inboxes with excessive emails.

Missed the meeting or want to revisit the discussions? No worries! The recorded meeting is available through this link.

Special thanks to DG Mark for attending, supporting, and recording the meeting.

Here are some highlights from Friday's gathering:

  • Mahalo to our Rotary International RAG Liaison, Bonnie Black, for her valuable insights.
  • Big thank you to Past District Governors Roz, Laura, Naomi, and Sandy for lending their support to this RAG!
  • We are launching two major Toolkits: "Looking Inward" and "Don't Bottle It Up."
  • Attendees are invited to review the "Mental Health Moments" document and kick-off discussions at their clubs.
  • We are dedicated to strengthening our District website tab with local information and researching the international RAG.

Every one of you makes a difference! Let's track our initiatives, implement and share them with each other. Mahalo for taking care of each other and our communities. Remember, self-care is essential too.

It is an honor to work with such a dedicated team, and together, we can make a positive impact on mental health in our entire district.


Kathleen Merriam
Rotary Club of Kaneohe