On Saturday July 26, six of the nine Maui recipients of the Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation Scholarship (HRYF) Awards program were recognized at a luncheon at Café O`Lei, Kihei restaurant. This event was attended by a parent of each of the recipients and the representatives of their sponsoring Rotary clubs. Katy Shroder, Maui HRYF Trustee and organizer of this event, addressed the group and gave a brief history of this unique scholarship program where all 52 clubs in Rotary District 5000 (Hawaii) have the opportunity to award a $5000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior. Two of the Maui students were also recognized as the recipients of the top scholarship awards of $10,000. Alex Nguyen from Maui High School (sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kahului) and Olapaholunape Duvachelle from Molokai High School (sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset) shared their excitement of being selected for the Maurice J. Sullivan and the Joanna L. Sullivan awards. Joanne Laird, Maui Coastal Clubs Representative, and Wendy Hornack, Maui Central Clubs Representative, introduced each of the recipients who then had the opportunity to address the audience on where they were attending college and their future plans after graduating.
For more information about the HRYF Scholarship program please go to the following website: https://www.hawaiirotaryyouthfoundation.org
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Six of the nine Maui HRYF Scholarship recipients were recognized and celebrated at a luncheon at Café O’Lei, Kihei (L-R): Helena Colletta, Seabury Hall; Mina Suzuki, Baldwin HS; Olapaholunape Duvauchelle, Molokai HS; Brandon Sado, Kamehameha Maui; Kiana Haugg, Kihei Charter; and Alex Wong, Maui HS.