August 22, 2023 updates from Maui Coastal Clubs Assistant Governor Al Weiland
I was asked by Benson to give an Update to the South Hilo Club. He also asked Cyrus Johnasen, the County of Hawaii Public Relations officer to speak. Hawaii County has made some excellent connections for storage in Ma'alaea and trucking into the West Side which we may be able to connect with. Currently, we are being told that only FEMA or the Red Cross can authorize a shipment to come into Kahului harbor and be unloaded.
I then joined the weekly meeting of the Lahaina Sunrise Club, via Zoom. Ann Neizman is doing a fabulous job keeping track of her members. She had everyone discuss their housing situation and how they were doing. Two of their members were handing out gas cards at the Hyatt Regency along with Maui United Way, and we heard some of the stories of people receiving the cards. The meeting was emotional, and uplifting. One of their members was on Oahu and heard a presentation by a mental health practitioner that he described as excellent. I think they are inviting him to their next meeting, and I suggested including Kathleen Merriam.
Getting some information from James Ham and the people at Straub Burn Center about what their needs might be. They have 9 Maui residents there, including one Rotarian, I believe.
Stay updated at RotaryD5000.org/MauiRelief